Romain Jerome Creates A Pen Made From Moon Dust and Apollo Fragments

To the moon, Alice!

Romain Jerome, makers of the DNA series of fancy watches (you probably remember the Titantic DNA) has created a goofy-looking pen to commemorate Buzz Aldrin’s moon landing. Sadly, they missed the actual anniversary so they’re releasing it right now for all you space cadets out there.

The pen is made of “moon dust” and silver along with tiny bits of the Apollo II, like a moon-dust poutine. The press release, apparently written by a very nervous robot, is all but unreadable and the pen is probably too expensive for mere earth men to afford.

Just so you know, those fins pop off so you can actually write with this thing. That’s the only thing that makes sense about this whole product.

The moon is the sun’s dream.
On July 20th 1969, after two hours and thirty-one minutes of eternity, Buzz Aldrin climbed back into confined space of the lunar module, where he accidentally broke the key in the ignition and ended up having to jiggle around a pen tip in order to start the ascent engine that would enable him and Armstrong to take off from the moon.
Some 40 years later, Manuel Emch nurtures our childhood dreams by creating the MoonFighter, a new RJ – ROMAIN JEROME writing instrument that lives up to its space- inspired origins. He is thereby bringing to life a dreamlike symbol of a pen that served as a bridge between the moon and the earth.
This instantly appealing fountain pen radiates absolute aesthetic purity, while naturally commanding respect by its powerful lines.
From moon to earth… from Moon Silver to MoonFighter
Stemming from a meticulously executed fusion between moon dust ( a certified sample) and silver, MOON SILVERRJ is an alloy that is the exclusive property of RJ – ROMAIN JEROME. Designed on the basis of this alloy and also comprising authentic fragments from Apollo II, the MoonFighter will forever bear vivid testimony to its historical origins.
A technical check before takeoff
The curved, streamlined barrel of the MoonFighter is studded with 48 hand-fixed rivets and extends an irresistible invitation to savour the pleasure of writing. Conveying a blend of aesthetic perfection and historical inspiration, MoonFighter features a forward-jutting profile with toothed plates like the ventilation apertures on an aircraft fuselage.
The pen is topped by a cap equipped with three small blades, engraved with the initials RJ and tipped with a titanium point endowing the MoonFighter with an airy feel and user- friendliness that make light of gravity. Nestling in its docking station with an evocative winged design, much like a fighter plane awaiting takeoff, the MoonFighter is one of those rare objects capable of inspiring both admiration and desire.
Conquering the MoonFighter writing instrument is like taking the controls of an aesthete’s dream, issued in limited editions of 888 for each of its three versions: Black Metal, Vintage and Heavy Metal.

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