Drag N' Drop Those Facebook Photos

Facebook Photos just keeps on getting better and better. A couple weeks ago, it started supporting high-resolution uploads. And now there’s also drag n’ drop for when you are organizing your photos. The drag n’ drop feature brings Facebook Photos closer to the look and feel of a desktop app, as do some of the other advanced features.

Facebook Photos also has a better photo viewer now, which no longer requires you to open a new browser tab when you click on a photo in your News feed. The viewer box pops open in-line. These last two aren’t new features, but the drag n’ drop appears to be new. Taken together, however, you can see where Facebook Photos is going—from a social repository of images to a fully-functioning photo app.

Here is a video highlighting some of the new features (it’s funny that they put this on YouTube so that people could share it. Perhaps Facebook should start tackling videos next and adding basic features like embedding) :

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