Sony's Google TV Sets Get Sized And Priced

We got our first big blast of Google TV retail goodness today with Logitech’s Revue media blitz. But just because they’re the first doesn’t mean they’re the only ones with GTV power. No, far from it. We’ve been looking forward to Sony’s sleek-looking in-TV set for some time now, and although they’re not going to be officially detailed until the 12th, the juiciest bits have just been leaked: price and sizing.

You’re looking at four models:

My guess for the 24″ one is $899.99, but I might be nuts. There’s also a listing for one NSX-GT1, which would be Sony’s standalone Google TV box. The listing mentions an eject button, so unless they’ve invented a way to eject YouTube videos, that means it’s got a Blu-ray player in there. No pricing or date on that guy, though.

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