DigitalCameraInfo Reviews the NX100 M4/3s

To quote from Cracker, what the world needs now is another micro 4/3s camera from a minor camera player like I need a hole in the head it’s nice to see at least someone is serious about the format. I personally love the M4/3s format for video and stills and I think once the big boys bring their models out things will change significantly. Until then, we have Samsung and a few others trying mightily to be first and best.

We were quite excited about the NX100 back a few weeks ago and DCI has a full review, finding it quite nice except for the proprietary NX mount.

But, these issues aside, there is much to like here. The NX100 is a small, relatively compact camera that offers a good range of features and seems to have the power to produce good quality images. And, with the kit including the 20-50mm zoom lens being priced at $599.99 (and available in October), the price is competitive. We’ll wait until we can get it into the lab to do our full set of tests, but it looks like it offers some good competition to other similar cameras like the Sony NEX-5 and the Micro Four Thirds crowd.

At $599 it’s on par with a low-end DSLR so you may need to do a little comparison shopping and for my money I wouldn’t invest in a camera bag full of Samsung lenses especially since Samsung isn’t primarily a camera company. Thoughts?

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