ExpertMaker offers AI tools for dummies

ExpertMaker, which launched in Beta at the DEMO conference earlier this week, wants to democratize the use of Artificial Intelligence, creating AI tools “for the masses”.

That sounds like a lofty mission but the Swedish startup says that its desktop tool is capable of handling complex problems, such as human-like recommendations, advice and diagnosis, but that you don’t need to be a programmer to use it. The result is your very own AI-driven “micro-search engine”.

On the back end, it’s as simple as using a spreadsheet, I’m told. Instead of relying on programming skills, the technology relies on “an in-depth level of questions and toggles to fine tune results, in order to build subject specific search engines based on a particular focus or expertise.”.

So, for example, says ExpertMaker, a TV expert from an electronics store could build something to provide customers with relevant, personalized advice to help them with their buying decision. Similarly, see this simple example of an app built using ExpertMaker’s tools, which helps gamers choose what kind of Wii game they might like, while the company is also showcasing its technology via its “Pasta Explorer” mobile cooking app, available through the iPhone App Store or Android Marketplace.

Lars Hård, CEO and founder of ExpertMaker comments: “We started out with the mission to make Artificial Intelligence technology available for a broader audience instead of just computer specialists. What is exciting about this new generation of search technology is all the new opportunities it brings, from the obvious e and m-commerce opportunities to other activities like diagnosing an illness.”

As for the business model, ExpertMaker plans to license its tools to third-parties but hints that there’s additional revenue streams in the pipeline. And it’s true, there are obviously lots of opportunities around being able to efficiently build apps and services that deliver relevant recommendations and results. On that note, the company is in particular talking up the mobile application of its search technology.

ExpertMaker is privately funded by angel investors.

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