This Is How I Read TechCrunch: Without Comments

As regular readers are undoubtedly aware, I have a sort of love/hate relationship with our commenters. Well, okay, it’s more hate/hate. I find it amusing, but I realize not everyone does. Some people say they avoid our stories just so they don’t feel the need to take a shower after reading our comment section. I have good news for those people: there’s an extension for that.

Remove TechCrunch Comments is a Google Chrome extension made by user hrparmar. He actually made it back in January, but we’re just seeing it now. And it’s awesome.

Here’s what it does: it takes any individual story on and hides the comment section. Boom. Now you can read us ranting about things without having to dive into the… is cesspool too strong a word?

Seriously though, commenting (particularly anonymous commenting) is a growing problem on the Internet. A number of startups are working to solve it, but the fact still remains that if a site gets large enough, its comment section tends to go to shit.

For every very nice, insightful comment left on our posts, there are at least 100 that set humanity back ten years or more. So now we offer you an option to stop that.

Think of it as Daring Fireball with Comments — but the opposite. I turned it on last night. It’s so peaceful around here now.


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