32GB flash drive from Edge Tech is as big as a quarter

USB flash drives aren’t the hot product that they used to be, but there’s still something cool about having 32GB of data dangling nonchalantly from your keys.

Edge Tech seem to understand this, with their latest flash drives ticking both the 32GB and the key-ring-compatible boxes.

Edge Tech’s new USB drives — the DiskGO Mini, and the DiskGO Backup — are essentially the same device, but the Backup version comes bundled with Dmailer Backup software (which supports auto-backup and 128-bit AES encryption), and 2GB of lifetime cloud-based storage, so all your super-important, never-leave-home-without-’em Twilight fan-fiction stories will never be more than a few clicks away.

Both devices measure a minuscule 1.4 x 1.0 x 1/4 inches in size (as you can tell from the picture), and both feature a retractable tip and keyring fob.

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