RIM gets the Royal treatment: gets a visit from Queen Elizabeth II, gives her a white Bold 9700

When I think of RIM, I usually think of business suits and corporate power, not Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Nevertheless, from this day forth, the two shall forever be linked in my mind: Lizzie has had her first tour of Waterloo’s most recognisable factory complex.

Not one to shy from diplomatic gifts, RIM even presented Her Majesty with a white BlackBerry Bold 9700 displaying an image of a girl presenting flowers to her. Awww… it’s like two presents in one.

This got me thinking… is she a BlackBerry fan? Was this trip arranged because ol’ Queeny has been dying to see the factory where her favourite toy is produced, like some kind of modern-day, role-reversed Charlie Bucket? Will she use it? Did she want it? Could she sell it on eBay for a cool profit? Am I thinking about this too much?

If you could win a golden ticket to any factory in the world, what factory would you go to? And would you take the queen?

[via CrackBerry]

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