Survey Monkey Buys Precision Polling After Seeing It On TechCrunch

These are the stories that make my job worth all the hassle and stress.

Two guys create a company called Precision Polling that allows quick and easy phone polls. We write a story in January saying it’s like Survey Monkey for phones – “Precision Polling Is A Survey Monkey For The Phone.” And a few months later – today actually – Survey Monkey acquires them.

The size of the transaction isn’t being disclosed, althought Survey Monkey CEO Dave Goldberg tells me it’s relatively small given the stage of the company, and it’s a stocks and cash deal. cofounders Guarav Oberoi and Charles Groom will stay with the company and continue to work from Seattle.

Survey Monkey now has about 20 employees in Portland and another 30 in Palo Alto. We estimated 2009 revenues at around $45 million. Not bad for a service that let’s people easily create Internet, and now phone, surveys.

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