IAB Sets Up Tablet Task Force, Praises The iPad And HTML5, Badmouths Flash

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) today announced that it has formed the Tablet Task Force, a group comprised of publishing and interactive industry executives, in order to “help create an infrastructure that would support a variety of rich new advertising opportunities for the emerging technologies of tablets and e-readers”.

In reality, it’s all about the iPad, as evidenced by the focus on Apple’s device in this industry report on ‘tabvertising’ (PDF).

Also noteworthy: the IAB actively tries to kill the “myth” that lack of Flash support on the iPad is going to be a problem for advertisers, saying it “incredibly intensive on any computer to run, burning through batteries faster”.

Its advice?

“The programming language HTML5 used by most new browsers, can do almost as much as Flash without the power drain. Advertisers simply need to start creating ads in HTML5, rather than Flash.”

Adobe will be pleased.

The announcement of the new Task Force and industry report was made at IAB Innovation Days, a two-day event that coincides with Internet Week, the annual week-long series of events spotlighting New York City’s role as a leader in the digital and media industries.

The preliminary objectives of the Tablet Task Force, according to the press release, are to explore and define comprehensive best practices in the area, build an infrastructure for ongoing growth and provide guidance on the development of ad standards that enhance the “lush consumer experiences” that these devices promise.

For your background, the IAB is comprised of more than 375 media and technology companies, who are responsible for selling 86% of online advertising in the United States.

Who knew its objectives included helping Apple sell even more iPads and advance the use of HTML5 by advertisers?

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