Playstation Move could come out in July

A gaming retailer’s promotion brochure may have just outed the Playstation Move release date — or at least narrowed it down. Its release was previously pegged at September 1st, but this just-after-E3 date might make more sense. Strike while the iron is hot — assuming a near-exact copy of the Wiimote heats the iron to begin with.

What I’m hoping is that they really think that the E3 presentation will blow everyone away. If this report is true (LazyGamer notes that BT has been correct in this roundabout way before), I think it speaks well for the product. Even if it is a Wiimote clone, Sony has different ideas and different developers &mdsah; it could be a whole other world. We’ll be at E3, so you’ll know as soon as we do.

[via LazyGamer and T3]

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