Oprah Moment, Take 2: Google gives an EVO 4G to everyone at I/O

Okay. Think back to elementary school. Your buddy got a brand new toy for Christmas — the one you’ve been wanting for months. Your parents got you socks. Remember that feeling? That feeling of loss for something you never had? That’s called jealousy, friend. Now magnify that by a hundred.

Google just gave everyone at I/O the EVO 4G.

As Vic Gundotra put it: “To everyone watching back home on Youtube.. I’m.. I’m sorry? Register early next year!” Yeah, that includes me. Sad face emoticon here.

This continues Google’s (lovely) history of giving away handsets at events. At I/O last year, all attendees were given special edition, I/O-themed HTC Magics. At MWC 2010 in Barcelona, attendees of Google’s Developer events were given Nexus Ones. Devs were also offered the choice between a Nexus One and a Droid during IO registration — so unless Google’s going to make these devs hand over the goods, some folks might be going home with not one, but two free toys. Not a bad deal.

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