If you're going to scan, scan right with the CanoScan 9000F

Let’s be honest: scanning has become a necessary evil. But as long as you’re doing what has to be done, you may as well do it right. I got decent results scanning 35mm film with an old bargain scanner, but if you’re planning on re-printing them (or re-printing prints, or what have you), you want the highest resolution possible. The 9000F will do up your film at a massive 9600x9600DPI. Yeah, it’s probably overkill, but at $250 it’s bargain overkill.

Yeah yeah, you can get scanners for like $40 at Best Buy, but you know Canon has got your best interests in mind when they put out a piece of hardware like this. They know what image quality is, and they’ve been making the pieces of devices like this one for long enough to know what needs to be done.

At that resolution, you’ll never have to buy another scanner… if you’re okay with a gigantic, slow thing like this being your only scanner. If I’m honest, I think I would prefer something like this portable one. Who am I kidding, I’ve been avoiding printers and scanners like the plague for a good five years now, I’m not going to stop.

[via Gizmag]

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