Video: Twitter's 140 Second Tour Of Promoted Tweets

A week ago, Twitter unveiled its long-awaited ad platform to the world: Promoted Tweets. While it was a focal point of last week’s Chirp conference in San Francisco, there still seem to be some questions as to how exactly it works. So Twitter has made a short (but slow) video tutorial on the feature.

Posted a few days ago, the video appears at the top of one of Twitter’s FAQ pages for the new feature. But rather than being at the top of the user FAQ (which most people will presumably read), it’s at the top of the business FAQ. So we’ll go ahead and embed it below.

In the video, a brand, HashtagTees, creates a promoted tweet to display during a concert in California. On the advertiser side of things, a company selects a number of keywords they hope to use to trigger their promoted tweet, and then select the tweets to show — seems straightforward enough. These tweets then show up at the top of the results for those search terms, with a small, yellow highlighted area to show that it’s a promoted tweet.

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