Early Web Browsing Data Suggests The iPad Is For The Weekend, The iPhone Is For Work

The iPad comes with a big, beautiful browser which may end up being its most powerful app (when the WiFi is working). Some early data from Web analytics service Clicky suggests that by Sunday the iPad accounted for 4.62 percent of all mobile browsing, versus the iPhone, which dipped nearly two points to 46.5 percent.

Today, the iPhone’s mobile Web browsing share is back up to 48.6 percent, while the iPad’s is down to 2.6 percent. That two-point difference could very well be because people are leaving those iPads at home, and going back to their iPhones as they start the work week.

If we keep seeing this pattern, with iPad usage spiking during the weekends, then that means people aren’t really taking it with them, but rather leaving it at home. Once the 3G version comes out, this pattern will likely change.

Clicky runs Web analytics across 200,000 Websites visited by 100 million people a month, which is where these numbers come from.

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