Boom! Apple Breaks Its Own Embargoes On Hundreds Of iPad Apps

Maybe you’ve heard that Apple has this new device coming out on Saturday. It seems to be a pretty big deal that will get a tsunami of press coverage without Apple lifting a finger. But just in case, Apple has decided to embargo several iPad apps (and maybe most of them), so they can’t talk to the press before Apple tells them its okay. The only problem? Apple today unleashed all of their apps in the App Store already. Yes, Apple has broken its own embargo — hundreds of them. Awesome.

Initially, Apple had set a Saturday morning embargo for these approved iPad apps to coincide with the iPad availability. But today, Apple apparently moved up the embargo time to early tomorrow morning, we’re told. But again, they’re actually already in the App Store now, complete with pictures and descriptions. So anyone who wants to write about any of these apps can just scan the store and write away.

Even better, plenty of apps, if they’re Universal (meaning bundled with both an iPad and iPhone versions), are already auto-updating, so you probably have several iPad apps already even if you don’t realize it. Naturally, you can’t use the iPad versions until you have the device, but they’re right there on your machine.

Apple, we hate embargoes too, so we think your undermining them is just great.

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