Sprint Moment and Hero to get Android 2.1 in "the coming weeks" [Updated!]

See that image above? It’s notable for two reasons:

  1. I’m fairly confident it takes the much coveted title for “Hardest to read leaked document ever”.
  2. It, in all of its tiny text, confirms that the Sprint HTC Hero and Samsung Moment will be upgraded to Android 2.1 soon.

Update: We’ve now got a more legible picture and a full transcription after the jump.

The wonderful guys over at AndroidCentral whipped out their electron microscopes and did the hard transcription work for us. While the majority of it is just the general “Tell our customers that our service is superior to EVERYONE!” internal propaganda, there lies a pair of gems right around the middle section: “Let your customers know we are actively working on having the Android 2.1 platform available to our Hero and Moment customers over the coming weeks.” and “Look for more information coming in April about Android 2.1 platform for Hero and Moment.

So there you have it, folks – more information is coming in April. I can’t even imagine how many people are happy about this news (Hi Carol!), given that people have been asking for an update to the Hero since roughly 1996 and that the Samsung Moment would be an absolutely killer handset when paired with Android 2.1.

Update: Want something a little more legible? Our buddy Joecrack305 of Cognizantphotos just sent a much better screen cap our way. Check it out:

Android 2.1 platform for Hero and Moment

Specialists: All
Customers: All

What you need to know:

What you need to do:

And don’t forget:

Thanks Joecrack305!

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