Nice Doggie: Puppy Arcade 7 available

Of all the wonderful uses for Linux, gaming hasn’t traditionally been one of its stronger suits. But as we all know, old console emulators provide eons of entertainment and said emulators run across a variety of operating systems. And so there’s Puppy Arcade, a derivation of the small-footprint, runs-on-just-about-any-hardware Puppy Linux.

Developer Scott Jarvis just finished up the latest version, Puppy Arcade 7, and has made it available for download. Run it as a Live CD, make a bootable USB stick, or install it full-bore. What you’re presented with is a clean UI with an OS X-style launch bar chock full of your favorite emulators. Fire one up, show it where to find your ROMs, and enjoy.

It’s a pretty smooth installation process if you’ve played with Live CDs before. I tried it out a bit this morning and was up and playing old NES games in no time at all. Good stuff.

Puppy Arcade 7 []

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