Explicit category could bring sexy back to Apple's app store

Another fire erupted amongst developers and consumers when Apple decided to pull the plug on apps that contained content of questionable nature. This isn’t the first time Apple has done this, but with the pulling of Wobble iBoobs from the app store came a surge of app killings and everyone said they’d had enough.

Despite all this, it seems all hope is not entirely lost. A developer noticed that the App Store application process now has an “Explicit” category for submissions. While it’s not up on the App Store itself, this could mean that Apple may be looking for a way to stick all that content back in there, and then some.

If carrying your laptop around is just too cumbersome for your salaciousness and the banning of sexy apps has ticked you off, exercising a little patience just might pay off in the end. We’ll see.

[Cult of Mac via Know Your Cell]

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