Cave Story comes to WiiWare March 22!

March is looking good for Nintendo fans. They just announced that the DSi XL will be shipping on the 28th, and now one of the most acclaimed indie games of all time has been confirmed for availability on the 22nd. If you’re not familiar with Cave Story, you’d do well to pick it up; it’s like 16-bit Metroid-style exploration and platforming taken to perfection. The stuff of legend among indie game lovers like myself, I assure you.

There are changes, of course; in addition to it being the game you can still download for free, you’ve got redone graphics, a few new modes like Boss Attack, and apparently some surprises for fans who have already played through the game a number of times. Seriously, guys, this is a game everyone who calls themselves a gamer should have on their Wii — and if you don’t have a Wii, get downloading! The link is the little guy next to the “2004.”

The same dev crew is working on bringing the similarly loved, but terrifyingly difficult and huge La-Mulana to the Wii as well. Now that’s something I haven’t had the courage to attempt just yet.

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