Battery-powered heat socks

Battery-powered socks that help keep your feet warm? What may sound a bit like overkill at first does make sense when you think of motorcycle riders or people having to work outdoors for long hours during winter. Made by Tokyo-based Bionics Japan, the so-called Heat Sock EX [JP] heats your entire foot by incorporating conductive carbon fibers.

The Heat Sock EX warming system mainly consists of a lithium ion battery pack (4,400mA, 7V), cords, a switch to control the temperature in five levels and the socks themselves (you can choose between S- and L-sized socks). Bionics Japan says the socks can be worn by both men and women and that the system is designed so you can wear it to any clothes you like.

The Heat Sock EX will keep your feet warm for three to ten hours on a single charge. It’s Japan-only, but people living anywhere can get it in the Japan Trend Shop (where the whole system costs $265).

Via Japan Trend Shop

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