Firefox Mobile gets one step closer to release

It’s still not ready for its “official” launch, but Firefox Mobile just took one big ol’ step closer to the big day with the launch of Release Candidate 2. As with the past few releases, this one’s only available for Maemo device. Don’t got Nokia’s latest greatest tablet? Don’t sweat it — you can still play with it by way of emulation.

We didn’t expect too much more to be packed into this release, but we were pleasantly surprised. They’ve bumped the rendering engine up to Gecko 1.9.2, which just so happens to be the same engine that will power the upcoming release of full-blown Firefox 3.6. Perhaps most important for those waiting to dabble, they’ve also fixed a pretty nasty bug that kept things from running smoothly on the Nokia N900.

If you’ve got a Maemo-powered tablet, you can download the release at Stuck without a tablet to tap at? You can also find it for Windows here, Mac OS X here, and good ol’ Linux here.

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