Google Nexus One Product Page Briefly Live, Featuring An Android 2.0 Video?

According to TmoNews, the page where the information about the Google phone aka the Nexus One will be put live today around the time of the official announcement at Google’s offices in Silicon Valley, was briefly up earlier this morning only to be taken down moments after.

Provided the above is not a fake screen capture, the unofficial T-Mobile news blog got a great early peek at several product pages, including Terms of Sale (with little surprises at first glance).

Curiously, as TmoNews notes as well, the page that was briefly live this morning featured a video of Android 2.0, while the Nexus One has Android 2.1 on-board. Presumably, this was a live test run of the site but with an embedded video featuring a previous version of Android as there isn’t yet an official one for Android 2.1 (at least not one publicly viewable).

Google is set to start its Android Press Gathering event at 10 AM PST today. We’ll be right there to keep you informed in realtime.

Update: commenters have been finding more stuff:

Google cache of the support page linked above
Two private YouTube videos (and one removed) found in source
This curious page that’s still live on (Update 2: gone now, but I got the logo above from that page)

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