The Mag+ shows how we might one day read magazines, if mags don't die first

See that tablet concept thing designed by design agency BERG? Yeah, that might be the future of print publications. But you probably already knew that. For the past 20 years tablets have been deemed the next-gen magazine, but so far nothing has been produced that actually steps up to the task. And don’t get excited, that tablet isn’t real. It’s just a concept of the format and something fun to dream about.

Mag+ from Bonnier on Vimeo.

The R&D geeks at the publishers of Popular Science and Wired, teamed up with the design agency BERG to create the concepts shown here. Basically the format named Mag+ has all the design elements we’ve grown accustomed to in magazines with flashy graphics, iconic covers, and bold headlines. And according to this concept, apparently there will be no need or room for advertisements.

The whole thing works like a gigantic iPhone with finger-scrolling, auto-rotation and multitouch to access the user interface. Of course this product is as real as Wall-E or Optimus Prime, but it’s still fun to watch the video. We are finally reaching a point technically where such device is possible, but still not ready for general consumption. Can you really see your Mom reading Ladies Home Journal on today’s tablets? [BERG via SlashGear

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