Dean Kamen's pad: a super-advanced, eco-friendly, LED-lit private island

Hello and welcome to Cribs: The Eastern Seaboard! Today we’re checking out the self-sufficient home of Dean Kamen, whom you know as the inventor of the Segway, but has also created numerous other devices which are much cooler and actually benefit mankind. His pad is actually a private island off the coast of Connecticut, and may or may not be its own country. Let’s check it out!

Over here we have the 10-kilowatt wind turbine, which provides some of the power used by Kamen’s gadgets. You can see on the roof there that there are solar panels that track the sun for maximum exposure, too. Lovely! Very Myst-like!

Okay, Dean has taken off to go get some organic lychee juice, so while he’s gone I just want to say to you guys, don’t you think the lighting is a little harsh? A little strange? Yeah, that’s because — oh, hi, Dean! I was just telling our audience about the LED lighting. Yes, isn’t it swell! What’s that you say? Before last year, it would have been ridiculous even to try to light a whole house with LEDs? I can believe that.

Looking good, Kamen. One more question. I’m sure lots of people watching this would love to make their house self-sufficient and include all these neat eco-gadgets you’ve got working for you. How much would you say it would cost the man on the street to do that? Just whisper it in my ear.

I’m sorry, I must have misheard you. You can’t possibly have said the enormous amount I thought you just… oh. Yikes. Tune in next time, guys.

[images: John Brandon Miller]

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