Seesmic for BlackBerry gets updated, pushed to the App World

While Seesmic has been available for BlackBerry handsets since right around the end of November, it has thus far required you to manually download the application by visiting That’s like what, a million letters to type? Typing is for chumps.

Fortunately for all of us lazy-thumbed folks, RIM has just given Seesmic the greenlight for distribution in the BlackBerry App World – no typing required. Seesmic is celebrating their newfound availability with an update to the client, adding a handful of new features to the mix.

So what’s new in the latest build? Here’s the big list:

Support for BlackBerry OS 4.5
We now have versions for our older models that support OS 4.5. With most of our

Keyboard shortcuts
Now you can use standardized set for keyboard shortcuts to easily navigate and manage your messages. Here are just the small examples of keystrokes to navigate through your messages:

* T (for top) – brings you to the top of the messages
* B (for bottom) – brings you to the bottom of the messages
* R (reply) – reply to your message
* L (reply To all) – reply to all the usernames in the message

More keyboard shortcuts can be found here:

Auto-correction and Spellcheck
We’ve incorporated the BlackBerry standard

Notifications improvements
Due to your feedback, we’ve made some modifications for our notification system. Icons will now only show up on new replies and messages and will include the total amount.

Favorite Tweets
We’ve added the ability to favorite a tweet within your timeline. We’ll work to have a Favorites view in a future release.

Font Size Selections
Choose different sizes to your liking of small, medium, and larger in our settings menu to best read your tweets.

Added Send in Menu
Action button to Send in when composing a message

Choosing different type selections (Advanced Users)

* Checkbox to – Use WiFi if Available (Seesmic will search for Wifi first with )
* WAP – Wireless Application Protocol (Activated by the Operator)
* Device Default
* Direct TCP – If you have TCP/IP settings
* MDS – Mobile Data Service (Only if you have BES setup)

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