AdMob Launches Beta Ads For Palm WebOS

Though its had an application store of its own for many months now, Palm’s webOS has really yet to flourish as a development platform. As it currently stands, webOS’ App Catalog only offers up around 400 applications. This stunted growth is largely because Palm still considers the App Catalog “beta” – thus, they’re being rather selective with what gets in. Once the beta tag is pulled away, however, Palm expects a barrage of applications to hit their store.

While plenty of these new apps are sure to be free, their developers still need to put food on the table. Looking to capture these developers before the floodgates open, AdMob is today announcing beta support for the webOS platform.

They offer one ad unit at the moment, which can be placed inside of a webOS app to push CPC text ads or CPM banner ads. To comply with Palm’s app distribution strategy (which allows app developers to make apps for webOS without paying the $99 developer’s fee, be it that their application is completely open-source), AdMob has made their webOS SDK entirely open source.

You can check out the new SDK over at AdMob’s Google Code page.

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