RealTime CrunchUp: Media Streams As The Ultimate Marketing Vehicle

At our Real-Time CrunchUp today in San Francisco, we are hosting a panel titles “Media Streams: Are These The Utlimate Marketing Vehicle?”

Panelists include Sean Rad, CEO of; Ryan Amos, co-founder of DailyBooth; Jesse Engle, CEO of CoTweet; Robin Bechtel, a celebrity agent and Philip Nelson, SVP of strategic development for NewTek.

Below find my live notes (paraphrased):

ES: What are celebrities doing to leverage the social streams?

RB: I oversee Britney Spears’ digital properties and we are using Twitter to build up buzz around her concerts. Using Twitter, we were able to get 8,000 people to Times Square all by herself.

PN: Fans can feel like they are an intimate part of your lives. For example, Heidi and Spencer did a live webcast, that we did, from the Bahamas from their hotel room. They had over 50,000 people watching that.

ES: To what extent is Twitter a Marketing vehicle and to what extent is it an entertainment and marketing vehicle itself?

RB: One thing that’s interesting is that we work with Facebook to sell virtual charms for Britney. We just Twittered that we were doing and it was in the press within a matter of hours.

JE: Twitter is the focal point where a lot of elements come together. Twitter is a focal point to stay connected to the public.

ES: To what extent can ads and promotions appear within the Stream. Sean?

SR: Publishers in don’t feel like they are just marketing their own message, they feel like content producers.

ES: But more often than not, that’s just promotion.

SR: With we monitor what content is appropriate for consumers. If you are tweeting things that is not valuable to your audience, your value as a content creator goes down. We limit to one ad per day to each publishers. The cool things about and Twitter is that when it comes to advertising, you can get creative and experiment with it.

PC: Retweets don’t seem like a metric of success, it seems like a metric of idiocy.

SR: If you look at Twitter as an ecosystem, its about sharing information and discovering information.

ES: What are the types of content that works?

RB: It has to looks like it isn’t an ad, that’s its real.

PC: Twitter is unique because its a conversation which makes putting any advertising in the stream hideous.

ES: Marketers are experimenting with different ways to use this channel. Until we hear about how Twitter is going to advertise, there’s definitely a feeling that Twitter doesn’t want to pollute the stream.

Video: Recording can be seen here.

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