Now in more colors: Pig-shaped earphones

Some Japanese gadget freaks do have a penchant for weird earphones, that’s for sure, meaning these things actually seem to sell. I doubt that otherwise, Tokyo-based accessory maker Greenhouse would have updated the buta (piggy) earphones they gave us in June 2008. It’s not a technical update but the same earphones are available in purple and orange now (see the picture on the left).

You can still get the first series, available in black, white and pink, too (pictured below). The idea remains the same: Stick one half of a pig into your right ear and the other half into the left ear. You can still choose between ear pieces in 3 different sizes (small, medium and large).

Greenhouse plans to start selling the pig earphones in Japan next week for $15 each. I suggest you contact the Japan Trend Shop, Geek Stuff 4 U or Rinkya in case you live outside Japan and you’re interested in getting one.

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