Wozaik close to launch, 200 invites for TechCrunch Europe readers

[France] Wozaik, a Paris-based startup which is developing a dynamic bookmarking system, is giving away 200 invites for an exclusive preview of their platform to Techcrunch Europe readers. You can grab one here on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Despite still being in private alpha (a beta should launch soon), Wozaik has garnered some early attention in the French startup scene after becoming the the winners of Mini Seedcamp Paris 2009, where they first demoed their product.

Wozaik provides users with a “mosaic view” of the web by enabling them to add dynamic bookmarks to their wozaik page. Through the use of a browser bookmarklet, users can ‘clip’ portions of any website for display on their page so that, for example, a user could make a dynamic bookmark of Techcrunch’s most actively discussed posts, a market summary for a given stock, or search results for a specific term. To get a better idea of the service, check out the demo video on wozaik’s home page.

In terms of business model, the company plans to generate revenue through affiliations as well as a freemium offering. Premium features, however, haven’t been disclosed at this time.

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