Two Non-Fat, No-Whip Starbucks Apps, Coming Right Up.

Now that Starbucks has at least one store on every corner, where are they to go? To the iPhone, of course. In true Starbucks fashion, they’re not rolling out just one app – oh, no! They’ve got two apps. Next thing you know, there will be a Starbucks app within your Starbucks app, fighting tooth and nail to bring in more than the Starbucks app across the street.

The first app, myStarbucks, is essentially an iPhone port of their Store Locator with a few bonus features tucked in. You can search for stores around you, of course – but you can also drill down within these results based off of your criteria, such as whether or not the store is currently open. You can also toss together virtual versions of your favorite drink, calculating the calorie count as you go. (Heads up: your drink? Probably a bit worse for you than you would have guessed.)

The second, Starbucks Card Mobile, is exactly what it sounds like: a Starbucks Card management app. Want to check your card balance without bugging the barista to slide your card for the 30th time this week? Hop into the application. Want to toss more money onto the card without, you know, having to talk to anyone? Use the app! Sure, all that could be done through the web interface previously – but here’s the killer twist: in select locations, you can pay with your card by having the barista scan an on-screen barcode. Next time carrying around a 1mm thick plastic card is too inconvenient – don’t worry, you’ve got an iPhone.

Testing of the mobile payment system is currently going down in (where else?) Seattle and parts of the Silicon Valley. You can check out both apps here.

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