iMinds Launches Audio Encyclopedia Tracks For Learning On The Go

Australian-startup iMinds is hoping to re-create the experience of reading an encyclopedia, except on your iPod. The startup is launching audio-versions of encyclopedia entries, with topics such as “The Federal Reserve,” and “D-Day Invasion,” that can be downloaded fro, or iTunes.

Currently, there are 72 different “MindTracks” available that give a well-rounded subject overview of a general knowledge topic in a variety of subject matters including politics, sports, pop culture, science and more. Each track is eight minutes and costs $0.99 cents on iTunes.

IMinds’ CEO and founder Olivia Wood says she created the tracks for people to gain quick, yet informational, “snacks” of information during their commutes or at the gym. She says that iMinds has already gained considerable traction in foreign countries, like Japan, as a tool for learning the English language. IMinds faces competition from the many non-fiction audio books on iTunes but what may set iMinds apart is its short length.

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