Augmented reality: it's everywhere (in advertising)

Condé Nast must be investing in augmented reality tech; there’s a nice, in-depth story on the stuff over at Wired. I kid, I kid — there are two. And I won’t disagree, it’s all very interesting, but I feel the same way about it as I do about 3D TV. Sure, it’s great when you see it and it’ll be awesome when it’s mainstream, but I’d prefer to wait until the Citizen Kane of augmented reality comes out (this is close) before I give it my full attention.

Sorry, I didn’t mean to mislead you into thinking my full attention has any value, it’s just that I’m a very lazy person and giving my full anything is kind of a big deal for me.

Once it’s implemented in a more ubiquitous fashion — kiosks in shopping malls, in the home (as with Project Natal and Sony’s magic wand), and so on — it’ll show its true potential. No harm keeping an eye on it until then, I suppose.

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