Careful, this is not an MP3 player (it's JT's fragrance)

Consider this a PSA. The object above is not, I repeat, not an MP3 player. Oh no, it’s Justin Timberlake’s new men’s fragrance from Givenchy called Play. I just want to make sure everyone knows that so when you’re cruising through Sears or JCPennys, you don’t accidentally buy it. Because, well, chances are that if you read this blog, you probably aren’t the target market for JT’s fragrance.

But you know what, if there was an MP3 player like the bottle above, and the bottom part was a fuel cell, I’d be all over it. I’m guessing most of you would be as well. See, we’re definitely not suppose to buy Play.

[Play by Givenchy via BBG]

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