8-bit porn: the women of Leisure Suit Larry

Leisure Suit Larry was one of those game franchises I always saw on the shelf at the local computer games store but never bought. I picked up the box and oggled at the titilating pictures on the back, but I never traded my hard-earned cash for the soft-core bonanza that the games offered. I like to think I’m a better man, as a result. Lots of people must’ve bought the game, though, because they released something like eleventy billion different installments. That’s a lot of 16-color skin to admire.

Now, thanks to the wonders of The Internet, you can admire all that skin without ever having to play the games! The Women of Leisure Suit Larry collects some of the better gems from this franchise for your enjoyment.

And as Mr. Harvey James says:

There is a seriously ugly and amazing coffee table art book dying to be made out of this.

I couldn’t possibly fail to agree less.

My goodness, all these low-resolution women remind me of some of the great ANSI art I used to see back when I used BBSes. You know, those things we used before the Internet to get all our porn!

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