CrunchDeals: Golf GPS rangefinder for $99

Amazon’s got a pretty decent deal on a golf yardage GPS unit at $99. I can’t say I care for the $35 yearly fee that enables you to download new courses but if you play the same courses over and over again, you can download them once without the need to renew the service year after year.

Still, $99 isn’t too shabby for a yardage GPS unit. The IZZO Swami 1500 has access to 12,000 courses that can be loaded up 10 at a time via USB connection. The device gives yardage to the front, middle, and back of each green and runs for about 12 hours before needing to be recharged. Looks like it’s relatively simple to use, too, with big LCD numbers and just four buttons.

IZZO Swami 1500 Golf GPS Unit [Amazon via Fatwallet]

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