T-Mobile drops minor Android update, Build # CRC1

So I’ve had my G1 for a few days now and I’ve been patiently waiting for it to update from 1.1 to Cupcake and it finally did yesterday. Over the last few days T-Mobile has been pushing out an update to Cupcake, CRC1. There doesn’t seem to be any discernible differences (from a lay person’s standpoint) between this build and CRB43, but I’m no Android expert. A quick look through the XDA forums reveals that it’s a pretty big security update for a slew of apps and the recovery image.

If you’re keeping track then that means we’ve had one major update (Cupcake/1.5) and two minor (1.1 and CRC1) updates this year. Leaving us with one last major update, Donut, according to our T-Mobile source.

Yes, I realize we wrote the How-to on taking screen grabs for Android devices, but I have no business downloading and installing the SDK.

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