G.S.M. Palm Pre spotted in Vietnam

Waves of exultation and joy must be coming out of Saigon as the first secret G.S.M. Palm Pres begin wending their way out of the secret Pre factories in the jungles to the south. A crack team of commandoes have wrested one of these super secretive models out of the hands of an unsuspecting courier and taken video and photos of it.

Remember that the Palm Pre originally came in G.S.M. flavor back at MWC 2008 and that O2 and Movistar probably have Pre exclusivity which allows us to assume the G.S.M. model will drop sooner than later.

A G.S.M. Pre makes a lot of sense – it would at least make the phone international – and G.S.M. has traditionally been Palm’s strong point up until they settled in at the CDMA carriers of late and just kind of hung out there, essentially blocking their international spread.

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