Put your rodent on rails with the Hamtrack

First, let us just acknowledge that “Hamtrack” is the best portmanteau of the year so far. Now, on to the products. I think you can see from the picture exactly how this utterly-genius pet toy works. Like a hamster ball but with wheels. I’m afraid the Critter Cruiser is unidirectional and thus a little limited, but the Hamtrack could be, and I don’t think I’m exaggerating here, the greatest hamster accessory of all time.

Putting down tracks for the hamster-car to go down, are you kidding me? That’s so awesome I feel like going out and buying a hamster right now just to see it fly around my apartment in this thing. I’m sure people have DIYed habitrail-esque things like this before, but they didn’t have a pink sports car to go with it. Can you imagine that thing flying around under your desk all day? Madness!

[via many things: 7gadgets, Gizmodiva, Likecool]

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