The "New Ice Suit" keeps sweating men cool in the summer heat

The summer time in Tokyo is unbearable due to the heat and humidity me and millions of other people living in this city suffer from between June and September. If you’re a man and have to wear a suit, it’s even worse. Last summer, Japan finally got the deodorant suits which made things a little easier. This year, we get suits with built-in ice packs.

The suits have been announced [JP, PDF] by Japanese fashion company Haruyama as the world’s first of their kind. Marketed as the “New Ice Suit”, buyers get special cooling gel packs for their money. Just put them into the inner pocket near the underarms and you will feel cooler immediately.

As a result, you will sweat and stink less. When you get to the office, just put the cooling gel packs in a fridge and you are ready for the way home later. The graphic above shows just how effective the system is. This is genius.

The only drawback is that the New Ice Suit is Japan-only. Over here, it costs $520 and is offered in 277 stores country-wide.

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