TiVo.com gets an impressive makeover

TiVo has featured online scheduling and DVR control for a while, but it wasn’t anything special as it could only preform simple tasks. Not anymore. The website just got a refresh in the style of the TiVo Beta Search and is now loaded with features. In fact, there isn’t much that the new site can’t do.

One of the biggest, and best, updates to the new site is the one click episode and season recording options. Previously users would have to navigate away from the original site for these options. Not anymore. Simply click the button, and the show will be recorded or a Season Pass scheduled.

Speaking of the TV listings, the new full screen mode is a welcomed upgrade. It now displays 50 stations without a page refresh and a snap to use.

There is so much more too. The new site can control Internet downloaded shows, view/edit the To Do List, and can easily switch between controlling different TiVos. I, for one, will use the site more. In fact, it’s kind of easier to use the website now instead of navigating through the TiVo’s menu tree. Well done, TiVo.

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