Windows Media Center gets Netflix'd

Looks like Windows Media Center, that hub for video and audio which I’ve never used, is getting full Netflix streaming support. This is good news for those of you running HTPCs with Vista on them — no need for an extra layer or frontend, just open up WMC, enter your info and you’re on your way.

If you’re not a member, hit up some free trial action and you could be watching a movie in about two minutes without leaving your chair.

Personally I don’t like the all-in-one media applications like iTunes and Windows Media Center, but for people who don’t want to futz around with codec packs and weird open source stuff like Media Player Classic, VLC, and other stuff, the increasing robustness of omnibus media players must be comforting. After all, you do your queue online, why shouldn’t you be able to open up your default player and watch stuff there?

You can find more info at the Media Center site, or at this post on TV on your PC.

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