AT&T rolling out 3G netbook + home internet plans nationwide

AT&T has announced that it’ll expand its subsidized netbook + home internet service packages that it’s been trying out in Atlanta and Philadelphia for the past few months. Starting sometime this summer, you’ll be able to package AT&T DSL with a 3G-enabled netbook from the likes of Acer, Dell, and HP for a (presumably) discounted monthly fee.

Detailed pricing and availability “will be announced at a later date,” according to AT&T but rest assured that everyone loves netbooks. Don’t believe me? Take it from president and chief executive officer of AT&T Mobility and Consumer markets, Ralph de la Vega:

“It’s clear there’s a demand for mini laptops,” de la Vega said. “Our customers in the Atlanta and Philadelphia markets have responded well and the response isn’t limited to a specific demographic. We’re getting interest from tweens, teens, young adults, moms on the go and small business owners. Consumers and small business customers really seem to be attracted to the convenience and portability of this connected device.”

Wow, that’s a lot of demographic groups. Tweens, even!

No word about whether mini laptops appeal to jocks, geeks, dweebs, scrubs, flakers, perpetrators, b-boys, tweakers, posers, nerds, pansies, thrashers, glee club, braniacs, year book staff, goths, punks, emo kids, hicks, band geeks, greasers, socias, Sharks, Jets, chess club, baby boomers, Generation X, grunge fans, empty nesters, veterans, homeowners, renters, or metalheads, although remember that de la Vega does say it “isn’t limited to a specific demographic.”

AT&T to Expand its Mini Laptop Lineup and Offer Nationwide Availability []

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