Next09 Video Interview: What Would Jeff Jarvis Do?

So I finally managed to sit down with Jeff Jarvis here at the Next09 conference in Hamburg, Germany, and we had a chat about his recently published book – What Would Google Do? -, his views on the traditional media industry and their current struggles as well as his profound love for TechCrunch (aye, captain).

Jarvis, for those of you who don’t know the man, is a published author, well-known blogger at Buzzmachine (Dell Hell, anyone?) and an associate professor and director of the interactive journalism program at the City University of New York’s new Graduate School of Journalism.

We talked about his new book and why it is titled the way it is, if he’s really the Google fanboy people make him out to be, and what he thinks about the whole Google vs. the newspaper industry situation. He says the latter is being suicidal by not understanding what he refers to as the ‘link economy’, and I don’t think he’s far off there. (see our earlier posts about this here and here)

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