Tomorrow is AMD's 40th birthday!

Please join me in a celebration of one of the hardware world’s biggest movers on their 40th birthday. The last few years have been pretty rough on AMD, but they’re still rocking out and competing convincingly with their arch-rivals, Intel and NVIDIA. To celebrate their middle-age debut, they’re doing a couple contests, so if you want to win a new processor or video card, step right this way.

First, there’s a video prize: make a video up to a minute long including the words “Happy 40th Anniversary AMD” in there somewhere. The best one wins a Radeon 4890, which is an awesome video card, and 40 runners-up will win 4650s, which are perfectly good.

Next, there’s a photo prize: just send a photo in that shows your love for AMD. Five will win a Phenom II X4 Black, which is a pretty sweet processor, plus a nice Asus motherboard. Eight runners-up will get an Athlon 7850 processor and a similarly nice Gigabyte mobo.

Contest entries go here. More info here. Must be 18.

If you don’t feel like entering a contest, they’ve also got pretty good deals going on with their new 7850 Black processors.

Anyway, happy 40th to AMD from the Crunch network.

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