Review: Canadian Club 30-year-old Whisky

I’m almost 34. I was four years old when they started working on this whisky. It took us about an hour to finish about half the bottle.

This $200 whisky from Canadian Club – you know, the guys from Canada who make blended whisky – have made some of the best stuff on earth. This is a limited edition version – 3,000 of these were made – and it’s as smooth as a slip and slide and makes you feel like a advertising executive on an expense account dinner.

The bottle we got was number 75 of 150 which made us feel special. We drank it neat at first and then we had it with a little bit of ice. It was late when we started and later when we finished. I brought the bottle to share with the dad-in-law and brother-in-law and they seemed to enjoy it as well. Johnny Walker tasted like ditchwater after this stuff. Unless we were just drunk.

Generally the 30-year is quite easy to drink. Nothing you’re familiar with appears here. Even the tones you’d expect from good whisky are undercut by this liquor, ensuring that you can sip this for a long time and never get tired of the taste.

Because it’s a limited edition it’s a bit expensive. However, I would pay $200 for this bottle, especially for a special occasion or as a gift for a father-in-law. Being able to one-up your buddies on poker night with an 18-year whisky is one thing. Being able to offer a little bit of history is entirely another.

Bottom Line: Try it if you can find it.


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