Hothead Technology bringing RFID tags onto the football field to save lives

Sometimes passion and adrenaline gets in the way of recognizing early signs of heatstroke, but maybe this system developed in partnership between Hothead Technologies and Kennesaw State University can help. The system embeds a RFID tag with integrated thermal thermometer and a transmitter into a football helmet to broadcast stats to a handheld PDA up to 500 meters away which trainers would use to monitor athletes temperature. The software side of the system tracks and monitors each individual person for specific tracking and analysis. The combination of the two is what might save some people from heat stroke or even death.

Over-heating is, of course, no fun but can also be deadly as seen by Korey Stringer after he died a day after collapsing from heatstroke. Hopefully this system by Hothead Technologies will not only prevent deaths, but also improve the performance of these athletes through proper education of hydration.

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