Video of the super thin ASUS 1008HA netbook

Not content to watch MSI steal all the thunder with the X-Slim series, ASUS has lobbed a snowball back with the Eee 1008HA – nicknamed “Sea Shell.” It’s basically a nice-looking 10-inch Eee, though, and not the genre-defying 13.3-inch X320 that we’ll see from MSI.

Still, it’s about as slim and trim as they get at one inch thick and 2.4 pounds. Not bad for a 10-inch model. Specs include an Intel N820 CPU, XP Home, 1GB of RAM, 160GB hard drive, Bluetooth, 1.3-megapixel webcam – all your standard netbook fare. I’m guessing that the screen resolution is going to be saddled at 1024×600 as well and it’s unknown whether the battery will be removable or how easy upgrades will be due to its skinny frame.

No word on pricing or availability yet, as the 1008HA has just recently been announced at CeBIT in Germany.

[via JKK Mobile]

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