Kosher GPS sends you to po-oy-nts of interest

Because Orthodox Jews aren’t really allowed to use the Internet the Mio Ma’amin or Mio Believer is a GPS device with wireless connectivity removed and lots of Kosher points of interests including restaurants, tourist spots, and a nice little place maybe to get a piece of fish or maybe a little matzah brei and maybe it could find a phone for you to call your Bubbe once in a while, huh? Mr. Smart Guy who didn’t want to go to school to be a doctor and now you play with that computer all day and don’t even have a wife yet and look how the Appelbaum’s son is doing he’s a CPA and he’s doing so well with two babies and another coming and you? No babies. You’re some kind of artist major. No, no, go into the city with your friends. Run around all night and give me a heart attack you know Mr. Bochner had a hole in his guts and now he’s in the hospital and God forbid I should have the same thing from all this stress.

About $240, available wherever fine kreplach are sold.

via Giz

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