Indeed's New Industry Trends Point To Where The Jobs Are

Tech layoffs may have hit 300,000 since the financial crisis began, but there are at least 395,629 job openings in information technology, enough to re-employ all of those now out of work. Job search engine Indeed this morning launched a new Industry Trends page filled with stats on job openings in the U.S. across major industries. Although there are more job openings in IT than in any other industry except healthcare (which has 581,625 job listings).

Even so, IT job listings are down 43 percent from a year ago. Again, healthcare is holding up the best with only an 8 percent decline. Job postings in banking and financial services are down 48 percent (to 144,569), and media and newspaper job listings are down 47 percent (with only 24,104 postings).

Indeed CEO Paul Forster explains why he is making these stats available (besides hoping to spur more job searches):

For people working in rapidly declining industries, it will help them identify industries in better shape to which they can try to transition.

Our data are an alternative to government payroll statistics, offering a more forward-looking insight into hiring activity. If government data show the job market in the rear-view mirror – jobs that have been created or lost – Indeed’s Industry Trends provide a view through the front windscreen: job openings that companies intend to fill.

You can click on any industry to get more detail. For instance, in the IT industry, while job postings have decreased 43 percent, clicks on job postings have increased 84 percent to 9.8 million. The most clicks are coming from New York City (San Francisco is No. 7 in terms of clicks). Some of the most sought after jobs, as measured by the top keyword searches are project manager, business analyst, engineer, and graphic design.

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